TAURON and SRK conduct talks

Representatives of TAURON Polska Energia and Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń (Coal Mine Restructuring Company) started their talks concerning the purchase of "Brzeszcze" coal mine.  SRK declared that on 7 October the procedure suspended last week will be officially resumed.

On 2 October the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia confirmed its interest in the acquisition of KWK Brzeszcze assets and declared its willingness to return to talks on this subject with SRK.

 – Following the analysis of the process of the works on the acquisition of the coal mine assets so far, including the progress of the negotiations aimed at determining the conditions for its purchase, we declared our willingness to continue further talks – informs Jerzy Kurella, President of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia.

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