TAURON signed a letter of intent concerning KWK Brzeszcze

On 15 May TAURON Polska Energia and Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń - SRK (Coal Mine Restructuring Company) signed a letter of intent concerning the cooperation in the scope of potential acquisition of KWK Brzeszcze assets.

In the document, TAURON and SRK expressed their intent to undertake works aimed at defining assets of KWK Brzeszcze, whose potential purchase might be interesting for the energy company, and conducting the formal procedure in order to finalise the transaction. The Parties also declared undertaking close cooperation concerning defining of operational performance rules of KWK Brzeszcze in the transitional period, i.e. after the transfer of the mine to SRK and before the potential purchase of KWK Brzeszcze assets by TAURON.

– Signing of the letter of intent is the next step aiming at potential acquisition. It should be emphasised that TAURON is interested in purchasing only those assets that could be used as a basis for the development of a new mine capable of running a profitable and effective business – informs Dariusz Lubera, President of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia.

The final decision concerning the purchase of assets by TAURON and the terms and conditions of the potential transaction will be preceded by the detailed examination of KWK Brzeszcze assets by TAURON, in legal, financial, fiscal, accounting, technical, environmental and geological terms.

As a reminder - on 16 January TAURON expressed its preliminary interest in purchasing of the whole, or a part of KWA Brzeszcze assets, provided that economically viable coal extraction will be possible there. On 2 February, a team appointed by the energy company started its work, conducting a comprehensive analysis of KWK Brzeszcze comprising, in particular, legal, financial, technical and geological aspects. Opportunities of potential cooperation with a financial or infrastructural partner are also analysed (including the terms of such cooperation supported by the performed market research).

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